The Pine Barrens Office

The Pine Barrens Office and Library
Pine Barrens Office sign
In order to better serve our southern New Jersey clients, HA has opened a new Pine Barrens office in Pemberton, Burlington County, New Jersey. Our new facility is located at 405 Magnolia Road, on 6.5-acres of mixed pine-oak forest and pitch pine lowlands. We have natural vernal ponds and old blueberry farm habitat with winding nature trails on our property. The diverse habitat on our property supports many forms of native Pine Barrens plants and wildlife, especially snakes, turtles and frogs.
Our office and library space is 2,500-square feet. We also have a separate out building that will be used as our laboratory and quarantine holding area for doing radio-transmitter surgery and processing snakes.
Pine Barrens Laboratory and Reptile House
Dave Schneider manages the new office. Dave Burkett is our field and office technician for the Pine Barrens Office. Robert Zappalorti Sr and Robert Zappalorti Jr continue to operate business from the corporate headquarters in Toms River, NJ.
Contact Information
Dave Schneider, Vice-President and Regional Manager
Herpetological Associates, Inc.
The Pine Barrens Office
405 Magnolia Road
Pemberton, New Jersey 08068
Phone: 732-833-8600
Dave Schneider: